Senn Park Nature Play Space Features Update

Mud kitchen? Stick fort? Climbing logs? It’s time to make some decisions about the design of the new Senn Park Nature Play Space! Everyone is invited to share their feedback and ideas. Children and families have been responding to the two idea panels at Families Together. Now it’s time to present them to the wider community.

The Chicago Park District’s Nature Play Team is partnering with our Senn Park community to design a space that will support positive, hands-on experiences in nature.

Please email your comments on the Play Space display panels (below) to [email protected]. You can see the panels in person at the Broadway Armory, 5917 N Broadway, in the new year.

Senn Park Nature Play SpaceSenn Park Nature Play Space

Funding Update

48th Ward Alderperson, Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth, will be allocating $25,000 for the Play Space from the ward’s participatory budgeting process. Thank you Alderwoman Manaa-Hoppenworth and everyone who voted! We anticipate construction beginning in the spring of 2025.

A group of people building a log structure.

What is a Nature Play Space?

Nature Play Spaces are designed for play with elements of nature that can be manipulated and moved such as sticks, leaves, acorns, and other “loose parts.” Each space is a collaborative community effort, unique to the ecology of the site and the needs of the residents of each neighborhood. Designing, planting, building, and caring for the space is an ongoing creative project that can be a rewarding multi-generational effort.

For more information, contact Kate Brenner at Families Together Cooperative Nursery School at [email protected].